Monday, March 1, 2010

LIfe Is A Bitch

When you re hanging on a mountain side,
And your nose gets a terrible itch,
Thats the time you know for sure,
That Life's a bitch....
When Ludwig lost his hearing -,
When the good Lord struck him deaf,
he shouted the same words seventeen times,
and the word began with F....
'Life is a bitch', screamed Ludwig,
I'll drown my sorrows in wine,
Then he dipped his quill in a bottle of hock,
and wrote symphony number nine,
'Life is a bitch' quote Milton,
Now pleasures I have none,
when a man can't see what he's given for tea,
Oh, where has Paradise gone ?,
Life's a bitch said Boney,
It really isn't nice,
When you have marched to the gates of Moscow,
and the Lord sends snow and ice....
We 've got frostbites on our noses,
and chilblains on our feet -
And yet despite all this,
All I can smell is 'defeat'.